Educational Expert Shares My View on Classroom Walkthroughs

Educational Expert Shares My View on Classroom Walkthroughs

You ever get that feeling of accomplishment when someone of authority or someone who is considered an expert in the field affirms what you already believe? Well, I had that opportunity at the GAEL conference recently. GAEL (Georgia Association of Educational Leaders)...
Are You Putting Enough Focus on Classroom Walkthroughs?

Are You Putting Enough Focus on Classroom Walkthroughs?

Its almost the middle of summer. If you are adept at relaxing, then performing walkthroughs is probably the last thing on your mind. However, eventually the summer will end, school will begin again, and if you are a school leader, the question that will arise in your...
My Walkthroughs Create Opportunities to Experience Leadership

My Walkthroughs Create Opportunities to Experience Leadership

I am currently working on my comprehensive exams and just completed a practice question. My comprehensive exams focus on Educational Leadership for Learning and while I was answering the question I noticed how often I referenced the observation process. I knew that...
The Reason I Started Doing Classroom Walkthroughs

The Reason I Started Doing Classroom Walkthroughs

As a new principal, I began visiting classrooms so that I would know what was happening in my building. I also wanted to visit classrooms so that I could have intelligent conversations with parents, supervisors, and other stakeholders when they wanted to know what was...